ทัศนีย์ เมธาพิสิฐ (Tasanee Methapisit)

Academic Title: รองศาสตราจารย์ (Associate Professor)

- B.A. (English) Thammasat University
- M.A. (Japanese), Tokyo Gakugei University
- Ph.D. Candidate, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan

Speciality/Current Research Topic:

ภาษาศาสตร์ภาษาญี่ปุ่น การแปลแบบล่าม

Professional Background:

Managerial Engagements
2019-2021 Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs and Graduate Programs (Tha Prachan Campus), Faculty of Liberal Arts,Thammasat University
2019- President, Japanese Studies Association in Thailand (JSAT)
2017-2018 Chief of Japanese Language Curriculum Committee, Japanese Language Section, Faculty of Liberal Arts,Thammasat University
2010-2012 Head, Japanese Program, Institute of East Asian Languages, Thammasat University
2007-2009 Chair, Teaching and Learning Development Committee, Faculty of Liberal Arts, TU
2002-2005 Head, Department of Japanese, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University

Academic Committee Memberships
2006-present Member, Japanese Studies Association in Thailand (JSAT)
2003-present Member, Japanese Language and Culture Teachers Association of Thailand (JTAT)

(Thaprachan): ชั้น 3
(Rangsit): 02-696-5229 (ชั้น 4 ห้อง 428)

E-mail: tasanee.m@arts.tu.ac.th; tasmetha@gmail.com
Office Hours: Rangsit: Tue 13:30-15:00, Thu 9:30-12:30 Thaprachan: Wednesday & Friday


Journal Articles
1.Tasanee Methapisit & Yumiko Yamamoto. (2018). Global Human Resources Development: Preparation for Internships Abroad, jsn Journal vol.7 no.2 December 2017. 83-100. (in Thai)
2.Tasanee Methapisit. (2017). Retracing 29 Ways to Travel Back to Japan. jsn Journal vol.7 no.1, June 2017. 116-119. (Book Review: in Thai)
3.Siriwon Munintarawong & Tasanee Methapisit. (2015). Trends in the HR Development of Japanese Enterprises in Thailand in the 21st Century, jsn Journal vol.5 no.2 December 2015. 48-69. (in Thai)
4.Tasanee Methapisit.2014.タイ人日本語学習者のための音声教育の現状と課題―教師の教育方法と学習者の取り組み方を中心に―『早稲田日本語教育学』第16号(2014年2月発行), pp.87-104. (in Japanese)
5.Suzuki Mika and Tasanee Methapisit.2013. “SHORITAN” Vocabulary-building Exercises for Intermediate- and Advanced-Level Thai learners of Japanese, pp.12-26. (in Thai)
6.Tasanee Methapisit, 2011.A Survey on Integrating Online Resources into Japanese Language Learning, Japanese Studies Journal vol 28 no.1 April-September 2011, pp.92-109.(in Thai)
7.タサニー・メーターピスィット.(2014).「タイ人日本語学習者のための音声教育の現状と課題 ―教師の教育方法と学習者の取り組み方を中心に―」『早稲田日本語教育学』16, 87-104.
8.鈴木美加・タサニー・メーターピスィット.(2014).「中~上級専門日本語における語彙知識 の 精緻化を目指した練習の導入―タイ語母語話者を対象にした「通訳入門」科目の一環として―」 『日本語学習者の母語・地域性をふまえた日本語教育研究』東京外国語大学国際日本研究センタ ーVol.2012, 67-81.
8.鈴木美加、タサニー・メーターピスィット.(2013).「タイ人中上級日本語学習者のための 語彙 学習教材「処理短」の活用について」. Japanese Studies Journal Vol.29 no.2 October 2012- March 2013. 12-26.
9.Tasanee Methapisit. (2011). Effectiveness of Shadowing for Improving Japanese Pronunciation of Loanwords. Japanese Studies Journal Vol.27 No. 2. pp.67-79, Institute of East Asia Studies, Thammasat University. (in Thai)

1.Tasanee Methapisit. (2013). Techniques to Improve Your Kanji Study. (เก่งคนัจิอยา่งมเีทคนิค). TPA Press. 140 pages. (in Thai) 2.Tasanee Methapisit. (2019) .日本語学入門 (ภาษาศาสตร์ภาษาญี่ป่นุ). Pimdee Co., Ltd. (in Thai)
3,川村よし子 (監修), タサニー・メーターピスィット (監修), 三修社編集部 (編集) (2015). 『ポータブル–日タイ英・タイ日英辞典(Portable Japanese-Thai-English Dictionary)』Sanshusha.

Translated Books
1.AJALT (ed). (2019).PRACTICAL KANJI: An Introductory Kanji Textbook for Japanese Language Learners, Vol.1&2 (500 คันจิพื้นฐานในชีวิตประจำวัน1) (M, Tasanee, Trans.). Bangkok: TPA Press. 240 pages.
2.Etsuko Hirai & Sachiko Miwa. (2018). Chuukyuu e ikou Nihongo no Bunkei to Hyogen 55. [中級へ行こう.日本語の 文章と表現 55]. (M, Tasanee, Trans.). Bangkok: TPA Press. 240 pages.
3.Heo Myeongja & Keiko Miyazaki. (2017). Level Up Japanese Grammar: Intermediate. (M, Tasanee, Trans.). Bangkok: TPA Press. 348 pages.
4.Saito Takashi. (2016). これでカンペキ!マンガでおぼえる四字熟語 (เลยีนแบบเด็กญี่ป่นุ ภาษิตสตี่วัอกัษร. (M, Tasanee, Trans.). Bangkok: TPA Press. 240 pages.
5.Etsuko Tomomatsu, Sachi Fukushima, Kaori Nakamura. (2015). 新完全マスター文法 日本語能力試験 N3. (GO! JLPT N3 ไวยากรณ์). (M, Tasanee, Trans.). Bangkok: TPA Press. 240 pages.
6.Yumi Segawa, Sachiko Kamiya, Sadayuki Kitamura. (2015). 中級からはじめる ニュースの日本語 聴解40 (J-News 40 ฟังขา่วญี่ป่นุระดบักลาง). (M, Tasanee, Trans.). Bangkok: TPA Press.

Academic Works:

Presentations / Proceedings
1.Asawarachan, P. & Methapisit, T. (2017, November). Internship program in light of undergraduate education policy: A case of Internship designed for students majoring in Japanese language. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference of Japanese Studies Association in Thailand, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. (In Thai)
2.Tasanee Methapisit. (2017) .「日本での短期インターンシップの可能性と日本語支援体制について」 Keynote Speech at Siam University 2017 International Symposium. 4-5 November 2017.
3.Tasanee Methapisit. (2017).「ICT を利用する日本語教育」Keynote Speech at International Conference ICT- Based Japanese Language Learning. International Conference on Japanese Studies 2017, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya Malang Indonesia, August 25-26, 2017.
4.Tasanee Methapisit. (2017).「海外インターンシップのための人材育成に向けた日本語指導の改善 案」ICJS Summer Seminar 2016 "Language, Literature, History: Constructive Approach to International Japanese Studies", at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies on July 14, 2017.
5.Tasanee Methapisit. (2017). "A Study of Summary Writing Tasks and Assessment for Advanced Japanese Learners.” The 6th ICADA 2017-SSIS. NIDA, 1-3 June, 2017.
6.タサニー・メーターピスィット.(2016)「上級日本語クラスにおけるニュース聴解と要約文作 成」ICJS Summer Seminar 2016 "Language, Literature, History: Constructive Approach to InternationalJapanese Studies" July 19-21, 2016.
7.タサニー・メーターピスィット.(2015)「タイの中級日本語学習者の聴解力についての調査」 ICJS Summer Seminar 2015 "Language, Culture, History: Constructive Approach to International Japanese Studies" July14-17, 2015.
8.Tasanee Methapisit. (2015). Study of the Use of Dictionaries by Thai Learners of Japanese in Higher Education. Proceedings of the 8th National Conference of Japan Studies Association of Thailand. 61-119. (in Thai)
8.タサニー・メーターピスィット.(2014)「日タイ通訳技能向上のためのタスク遂行型学習―ビ デオプロジェクトを中心に―」ICJS Summer Seminar 2014 "Language, Literature, Society: History: Approach to a Construction of International Japanese Studies" July 29- August 1, 2014.
9.タサニー・メーターピスィット.(2013).「タイ人日本語学習者の辞書使用状況の調査平成24年度 マレーシア国際研究集会「日本語学習辞書開発の支援を考える」『日本語学習辞書科研の成果 報告論集』2013年3月2-3日 Crystal Crown Hotel, Johor Bahru.40-53.
10.タサニー・メーターピスィット. (2011).「中間言語に見られる語彙習得:タイ人日本語学習者の誤用 データから」(Interlanguage Vocabulary Learning: A Study of Errors Made by Thai Learners of Japanese) Paper presented in The Seventh International Conference on Practical Linguistics of Japanese (ICPLJ7) pp.16-17. 5 - 6 March 2011, SanFrancisco, USA. (in Japanese)
11.タサニー・メーターピスィット. (2010). 「シャドーイングの効果に関する研究-外来語の発音矯 正の観点から-」Paper presented in International Conference of Japanese Language Education 2010 at National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan August 1, 2010. (inJapanese)
12.タサニー・メーターピスィット. (2010). 「外来語の発音矯正に対するシャドーイング法の効果と限界」Paper presented in International Symposium “The Application of Shadowing Method on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech National Taichung Institute of Technology (NTIT)”, Taiwan, August 3, 2010. (in Japanese)
13.Tasanee Methapisit . (2010).「シャドーイングの効果に関する研究-外来語の発音矯正の観点から-」Panel Discussion presented on 31 July – 1 August 2010 at International Conference of Japanese Language Education 2010 (2010 ICJLE) National Cheng-Chi University, the Association of Japanese Language Education , Taipei, Taiwan. (in Japanese)
14.Tasanee Methapisit. (2009). “A Study of Application of ICT for Training Advanced Japanese Language Skills in Thailand”In Proceedings of the 3rd Japanese Studies Network on 15-17 October 2009, Khonkaen University, Thailand.pp. 173-189. (in Thai)
15.Tasanee Methapisit . (2008). “Language Policy and the status of Japanese Language in Thailand”「タイにおける言語政策の動向と日本語の位置づけ」 in Proceedings of International Symposium on The Prospect of Japanese Language Education in Southeast Asia. pp.32-38. (in Japanese)
16.Pakatip Skulkru, Somkiat Chawengkijwanich, Suneerat Neancharoensuk, Tasanee Methapisit,Upawan Benjapokee. 2008. タイ人日本語学習者の誤用文の研究―日・タイ異文化コミュニケーションの観点から― Proceedings of International Symposium on The Prospect of Japanese Language Education in Southeast Asia. 16-17 October 2008, Bangkok Thailand, 55-59. (in Japanese)
17.Takahashi K. & Methapisit T. 2004. “Observations on Form and Meaning of day3”, SEALS XI, Mahidol University (May 2001), Bangkok. (in Japanese)
18.Minegishi Makoto & Tasanee Methapisit. 2003. Go and Come in Thai. 東南アジア大陸部諸言語の「行く・来る」慶應義塾大学言語文化研究所.(in Japanese)
19.Methapisit T., Sakata M., Chuensrivirote A. 2001. タイ人日本語学習者のアスペクト表現 (A Study on The Usage of Japanese Aspect Expressions by Thai Learners), The 8th International Symposium of National Language Research Institute, “Corpus of Essays in Japanese and Translation in Asian Languages: Applied to Contrastive Studies and Japanese Language Education”, December 14-15 2000, Tokyo.(Japanese) :81-94. (in Japanese)
20.Methapisit, Tasanee. 2000. “The Usage of Aspect Expressions by Thai Learners”, WAINS7: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems “Advanced Information Networks and System: E-Business for the new Millennium” :45-55. (in English)
21.Kessakul R. & Methapisit T. 2000. Resultative Constructions in Thai and the Related Issues,Proceedings of the fifth International Symposium on Languages and Linguistics, Pan-Asiatic Linguistics, Vietnam. (in English)
22.Methapisit, Tasanee. 2000. Thai Passive and Causative Expressions and Verb Classifications, Language, Area and Cultural Studies No. 6, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies: pp.59-79. (in Japanese)

http://www.tunihongo.org/choukai/ http://www.tunihongo.org/goyoo/
Translated Website
『経済のにほんご』Translation of basic terms and collocations into Thai
http://keizai- nihongo.com/tha/about.html (joint translation, supervised by Komiya Chizuko, Chief researcher)

